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Welcome Parents & Guardians
We recognize that you play a vital role in your child's progress and success. At 5678 Communicate Speech Therapy, Inc. you are not alone. In addition to providing important services for your child's specific needs, we aim to provide you with the tools you need to help your child at home.
"One day, something kind of miraculous happened. We weren’t prepared for the 'magic' Mr. Roland seemed to bring with him. He and my grandson formed a very close relationship, and through that interaction, my grandson began to communicate." ~ K. Benton
"5678 Communicate Speech Therapy, Inc. makes learning speech skills a fun experience for my child with special needs. It also provides me with the tools and resources I need to help my child on a daily basis. I feel lucky to have found this company with this fantastic program, which has changed our lives and especially the life of my son! " ~ Maria P.
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